زمستان 90 - ::₪ ° کلاغه به خونه ش میرسه؟ ° ₪ ::
  • رها آزاد


    It may seems irrelevant but it is one of the first scene of the movie named Rubber


  • رها آزاد


    ادامه مطلب...


  • رها آزاد

    I"m strongly curious about this yellow point.Is this really s.o who visits my blog?How come?Who is He/She?and why is interested in my blog?I wish I wasn"t harmed by my trust to the internert fellows b4 so that I could get to know this yellow point.Of courese I"m not interested in those two yellow points on Iran"s location!just the one under the black arrow(heh!heh!heh)what a nice and artistic and professional arrow by Mangoughپوزخند I think about you yellow point some times but every so often 


  • رها آزاد

     God knows and I am sure that he will not tell me that


  • رها آزاد

    what can I say to whome he is my every thing when  says me :you are wasting my time...what should I do


  • رها آزاد

    ناگهان تو تیشه می‌شوی
    و من درخت...
    تقصیر قطار اگر نیست
    پس چرا هیچ دستی از دریچه ای برای من بیرون نیامد هرگز؟

