پاییز 89 - ::₪ ° کلاغه به خونه ش میرسه؟ ° ₪ ::
  • رها آزاد

    زندگی نه بی معناست و نه با معنا
     زندگی فقط هست
     اما اگر سعی کنی معنایی در آن بیابی، طبعا آن معنا آنجا نیست
    تو خالق بی معنا بودن خود هستی
     و بدنبال آن یاس است و پریشانی خاطر
     زندگی صرفا هست
     از آن لذت ببر



  • رها آزاد

    Morris had been playing golf for years, and he had the finest equipment, but his technique never improved a bit.

    As his friend watched, he teed up at the first hole and promptly drove a brand-new ball into the woods. On the second hole, he drove another new ball into a lake. On the third, he lost a new ball in another part of the woods.

    "Why don"t you use an old ball?" his friend Sam asked.

    "I"ve never had an old ball," Morris said.


  • رها آزاد

    A little girl and a little boy were at day care one day.

    The girl approaches the boy and says, "Hey Stevie, wanna play house?"

    He says, "Sure! What do you want me to do?"

    The girl replies, "I want you to communicate."

    He says to her, "that word is too big. I have no idea what it means."

    The little girl smirks and says, "Perfect. You can be the husband."


  • رها آزاد


    tomorrow( today)is Wednesday, a busy day for a lazy student! But it is funny because I"m going to write something to update my blog tomorrow. Shit…
    Let"s try again; I started to keep my diaries from last week when that stupid girl gets on my nerves. I write short diary for each week day in Persian in my note papers but I can"t update my blog every day so I decide to keep them on paper and just when I could go to the site, put some part of it to my blog and since I could type something beforehand it would be better to save that on flash and make my mind free from what should I write…So what are these shit that I"m writing? I don"t know! have any idea???

    Try again; please be patient. Stay calm. I want to tell the whole story about what made me start keep diary. Me and my friend for new semester dissent our food and expenses from the other 3 roommates and it was so hard for that civilized hungrygirl to bare, so she start to act such as idiot and try to ignoring us but couldn’t then annoying me in any possible way, although  it was easy for me not to be seen by such kind of creature, but when she asked for the curtain that I hanged in front of my top bunk that I am sure was not hers, our argument went on and on and finished suddenly!!! In fact every thing finished between us after that and just when I heard she"s gonna change her room it was such a triumph for me… I really hoped she did but when M asked us to solve our problem I accept her negotiate and talk to that hateful idiot but she ended up her rudeness at the highest level by not saying sorry or even accept my excuse! HELL.

    She left and someone with the same name (ah ah ah) came in her place but I feel something is wrong, cause the replacement is changing her room third time and I am guess that she might have problem too, heaven knows!!! God helps us I hope, God keep her demons away from our way. She is from my home town and it puts me in a miss judge but I keep saying to myself it’s the very first day, let her showed her up then judge her even its too late then. I think it’s the only thing that I can do.
    Are not you surprised what should I write for next post? When I finished how the story of diaries of room no.205 begins!!!

    to my dear daddy: I really feel green when I feel you may choose someone over me… I can"t do any thing even scream by all my heart. It will break my heart BUT



  • رها آزاد

    تمام آرزوم اینه که یه روز صبح بیدار بشم و بفهمم که دیگه نه دیده می‏شم
    نه کسی منو به یاد میاره...هرچند همین حالاشم به سختی دیده می‏شم یا بیاد
    کسی میام...
    دلم میخواد وقتی این اتفاق افتاد برم جایی که فقط یکنفر رو ببینم و بیاد بیارم...
    کاش می‏شد بهش بگم...


  • رها آزاد
    saturday 2nd of ABAN
    It was really bad start for  a long week that Ihad to face all the week but I had tolerate that stupid girls and be patient more than before.I will have bad days if I let them break me down.I wont,I will smash their face if I really need and ruin their time as they did to me.they dont deserve respect that I show them from the begining and it is my fault now...I will never respect anyone before knowing from now on

